Saturday, January 31, 2009

Attitude and Greed

"Blagojevich's name, image removed from state Capitol"

"Workers waste little time removing images of Rod Blagojevich from state Capitol
Illinois Senate voted 59-0 on Thursday to remove Blagojevich from office
Blagojevich was arrested on corruption charges, continues to proclaim innocence."

While watching Mr. Blagojevich's speech, begging for his job, in front of the senate, I couldn't help thinking about that movie, "Mr. Deed Goes to Washington", with (I believe) actor Henry Fonda. Only the version in my head was, "Mafia Boss Goes to Washington". Did you hear him? It was when he mentioned about not going to the same college as some of his colleague's, "and maybe I push too hard", that really got me started thinking. Then he started "ratting out" other's that did the same thing, referring to the vaccine situation.

Here's a man, that worked his way up to Governor and didn't know how to play the "game". Let's face it, a lot of politicians are crooks, that's nothing new, but they do it with style and grace. He differently didn't have any idea how to give an "eloquent" speech. He should have taken some of the money he made, and used it for speech therapy along with a course in, "how to finesse you way into the big boy's club". He got caught with his "hands in the cookie jar" and they wanted him out. His attitude and greed was his down fall. It amazes me, how someone can work their way up the latter of life, then throw it away, for what? Greed of power and money. That's just my two cents worth.

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