Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Gassy Tax Considered" I'm laughing out loud CHECK IT OUT!

I was watching this video on "Gassy Tax Considered" for farm animals. You've got to see this.
Has the EPA gone crazy? If this tax passes, what is next? Taxing people who fart in public? I think there are more people farting than animals. What about the gassy air that comes out of a persons mouth when they yawn, belch or just open their mouths to speak?
How about people in crowded places, say, like subways or buses. The garlic breath coming at you, that has to be, "methane gasses" or some kind of gas into the air, doesn't it?
Oh yeah, and all the vegetarians, they eat a lot of grains, wheat, etc. I'm sure they fart and emit gasses into the air. How about taxing them more?
OR maybe the ranchers and farmers could just plug the butts of the animals. Would that satisfy the EPA? As for myself and my dog (we both fart) I'm not plugging any butts here, nor paying more taxes for releasing "natural" foul smelling gases into the air.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very funny, and I'll tell you this, for as bad as the Job Market is today, I will NOT apply for the job of the person that goes around "testing" the air of gases emitted from the butts of these culprits to see who may have to pay a fine...enjoyed the laughed