Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pass The Toothpicks, Please

Rainy dreary days and depression always gets me down. Yep, I'm one of those people that can't keep her brain or eyes open when it's raining.
My brain turns to mush and my eyelids get so heavy, one would think I was drugged.
Thunderstorms? Forget it! Someone, I think it's mother nature, has slipped me tranquilizers through the ions or eons floating in the air.
I want to bake a chicken today, don't want it to burn, guess I can set my alarm for an hour..yep, that's what I'll do.
Would someone please pass me the toothpicks, so I can prop my eyelids open until I get everything ready, please?


Travlbug said...

I just got a magazine today on just that subject!!! Stuck inside in a rainy day? What a great excuse to curl up and take a nap! Depending on how long you sleep,you can improve your pep,mood and health.In fact, the latest studies show that sleeping...Two to five minutes shakes off brain fog! Mere minutes can boost alertnessas effectively as a cup of coffee,reveals research by University of California at San Diego psychologist Sara C. Mednick, Ph.D. author of Take a a Nap! Change your life. ...15 to 20 minutes lifts your spirits and your stamina!..Plus!,it sharpens your motor skills---making you a safe driver,for example---- and leaves you so much happier, it's easier to concentrate and get things done. Credit goes to restorative sleep reached in this type of nap,during which eye movements stops and your heart rate slows....-----30 min protects your heart!...Recent Harvard research shows that regularly fitting in an afternoon siesta lowers stress enough to send your risk of heart disease plunging by 37%.------60 to 90 min. helps you learn new things!... it gives you enough time to reach the slow-wave sleep that commits new information to memory and improves decision making abilities.----90 to 120 min. guards againg cancer!....Women who sleep less than 7 hrs. nightly are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with cancer as those who sleep longer,research shows.But extra zzzs from naps can make up for a shortfall and protect your health.Maybe rainy days are a good thing..... as ever Travlbug..

rainey said...

I must be in excellent health, because I truly enjoy my afternoon naps. Thanks for the info. Yep, my stamina is lifted when I take my twenty minute naps. :)