Saturday, January 24, 2009

Doesn't Every Bit Count?

This morning my phone rang, (no big deal, right?) The Cancer Association, asking for donations. Fast talking female voice on the line. I wasn't given the chance to say one word. Now, I know this is a well worth organization and I also know, just what my budget can afford.

At the end of her presentation, "Donations start at fifteen dollars", "Can we count on you?" Wellllllllllllllllllll, yes you can, "but I can only afford ten dollars", "I live on a very low income". SHE HUNG UP ON ME!

If they need the donations so badly, they have to call people they don't know, call them by first name, like best friends. Why not accept what people can afford? Let me see, one and one makes two. Makes sense to me! Add my ten, that adds up to ten dollars more then they have.
My Grandmother always said to me, "Count your pennies, and the dollars will add up". Ponder

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