I just got on to check my email, when my eyes glanced at the CNN, news lines on my Google Home page.
My stomach is churning after reading what it had to say. " 5 children found slain in home"..
My god, what the hell is going on today? Yes, I know there have been killings, greed, molestations, etc ever since the birth of man kind. But, not as bad as it is today! That is to say, in my life time, that I have seen or heard of.
Parents killing their children, people killing strangers just to get to one particular person or to get their name in headline news, children killing their parents, classmates and each other! Taking one's child to rob a store!Not to mention killings of groups of people because they don't believe in the same religious teachings. (that has been going on forever! They need to stop teaching their children hatred in the name of their religious beliefs)
One doesn't know if when they leave their homes for work, shopping or just going out, if they will return home.
Has it come to the time when we need metal detectors in our schools, hospitals, churches, court houses, police stations and stores, besides our airports? What about cameras everywhere? What is it going to take to stop this useless violence?
Criminals being let out of jail for crimes against man kind, and not paying the full punishment that they deserve.
Bleeding hearts of Americans, yelling and picketing to stop someone from being put to death on death row, that really deserves it. Releasing hard core criminals back onto unsuspecting citizens. And then, what a surprise when they commit the same crime,
Please don't get me wrong, I love my country. There is no place else on earth I would rather be, but I don't have to agree with everything here either, that's what makes it so great. I have the right of freedom of speech, as an American. So, here's mine. Take it, leave it, agree or disagree. Our judicial system is in dire need of change. More rights for the victims, less for the criminals. "An eye for an eye".
Why are we crying about prisons "overload?" Why are we housing and feedings murderers? I'm talking about the ones, where there is absolute proof. Bodies and body parts, videos, criminals being interviewed, saying yes they did it, but they don't want to die. Did their victims want to die? NO! So, why should they be allowed to live? They found "God". Yeah, right! If a rabid animal is on the street, killing, what do we do? We kill them. A killer is no different. I'm talking about the ones that plan it. Stalk their victims, the ones that show the police "where the bodies are", hard core murderers.
There are a lot of good people out there, and yes we do get to hear about some them, but it seems like everyday now, we are hearing about more and more senseless killings. If I were "God", I would be so tired of all the, inhumanity towards man that is happening today! There are things I would forgive, but also things I would definitely not forgive. I would, stop it before it began, or hand out the correct justice, not vengeance, JUSTICE!
I know all about humans being given "free will", etc. But, when "free will" comes to the point of, enough is enough. It's time! But that's just me.